18h00: The Jury has deliberated, the decision about the prize winners has been taken! From 18h30 on, the presentation of the awards have taken place in the auditory of the Escola de Arquitectura da Coruña. See the winners of the national prizes:
18h00: The Jury has deliberated, the decision about the prize winners has been taken! From 18h30 on, the presentation of the awards have taken place in the auditory of the Escola de Arquitectura da Coruña. See the winners of the national prizes:
And here’s also to you, some photos taken by Eric Frisch of some models which have been presented to the Jury today:
While the students are presenting and the jury is deliberating, some impressions of the good ambience of this European architecture student’s cooperation:
Finally the day has come for the jury of the Rafael Baltar Prize. Students from all four participating institutions met at the Escola de Arquitectura of the UDC at A Coruña in order to submit their design projects to the Jury.
Finally, a farewell by (nearly) all teachers of the 2018-workshop:
This was the final day of the Workshop Iacobus+2018 at the OTH Regensburg. All groups had to present their final project sketches from 2 p.m. on at the Halle A, the polyvalent space of the Faculty of Architecture at the OTH Regensburg. One could feel a certain relief, all groups having been able to close their work before the deadline.
The results are incredibly various in their approach and will be a very good base for the individual work at each academic institution. We will meet again June 1, 2018 at the UDC in A Coruña for the grand jury of the Rafael Baltar Prize!
See the results of the workshop:
As ususal, the forth day of the workshop is a day full of labor: the corridor crits have opened the eyes of everybody to many possibilities. As the groups often focus on their own work, they do not have time nor mind to notice what’s happening elsewhere. The exhibition accompanied by comments of all professors introduced everybody to a very large variety of typological solutions and led some groups to reflect on varieties of their own approach. Day five will bring the final evaluation of the workshop results, so this very intermediary day four is used to advance the project.
At the OTH Regensburg, architecture students are used to be confronted with different types of design project presentations, one of them being the corridor crits. This is mainly possible because of the layout of our faculty spaces within our protected-patrimony-building at the Pruefeninger Strasse, the old site of the OTH: we have wonderful naturally illuminated corridors adjunct to our student’s workspaces!
So at day three of the workshop, we surprised the groups not by visiting them, but by inviting them to present the actual state of their reflections on the walls of our corridors.
Most important with the corridor crits is the peer-to-peer-effect as students exchange their views in form of an improvised exhibition with very short explanations of their work.
While the students were working, the teachers printed, judged and exhibited a series of posters prepared by some of the students: