Iacobus+2018/ Workshop: Analysis

The second day of the workshop started with a presentation of the analysis work by students from the ENSA Clermont-Ferrand and from the Universidad da Coruña. They work on this topic in the context of their master thesis, therefore they start earlier than the other institutions and arrive already well prepared. The presentation was impressive, the analysis very profound, so French and Spanish students supplied all workshop-group with their knowledge, enabling all students to start directly with their design work, teachers wandering around to visit the groups. The studios at the OTH were prepared with every necessary tool for sketching, building models, printing etc., we have also opened our vast workshops for our international guests.

Here’s to you, some impressions:


And here is the analysis work:

ENSACF: History

ENSACF: The Danube

ENSACF: The Site

ENSACF: The architecture of storage buildings

ENSACF: Patrimony

ENSACF: Concrete and patrimony

ENSACF: References of conversions

UDC: Historical Analysis

UDC: References of transformation

UDC: Urban Analysis

Iacobus+2018/ Workshop Stadtlagerhaus

March 5, 2018: finally, the workshop for our Iacobus+2018 project «Stadtlagerhaus Regensburg» has started. 58 students from four academic institutions (OTH, UDC, ENSACF & NUACA) will work together in eleven groups during one week at the OTH Regensburg in order to plunge into the topic of this year’s master project in architecture. They will be coached by eight professors from all four institutions. The project topic is the transformation of the existing Stadtlagerhaus, an important historic monument in the harbour of Regensburg into a center of culture and creative industries.

The workshop program of this first day was quite intense:

Prof. Dr. Thomas Fuhrmann, Vicepresident International Relations, Prof. Andreas Emminger, Dean and Iacobus+-coordinator of the Faculty of Architecture and Prof. Dr. Rochus Hinkel, all OTH Regensburg, welcomed the participants.

Mattis Broelmann, Head of Marketing das Stadtwerk Regensburg, Sebastian Knopp Clustermanager creative industries of the City of Regensburg and Bernhard Lutter, Head of Building management das Stadtwerk Regensburg explained to the students the setting of the Stadtlagerhaus as well as of the culture and creative industries in Regensburg.

After a visit of the Stadtlagerhaus, Prof. Dr. Peter Morsbach held a lecture on the history of the building monument itself and introduced the Stadtlagerhaus to the students. Prof. Andreas Emminger closed the day with a  lecture «About transformation» and an introduction to the topic of the workshop.